Because this is real-time people can see as you type, edit, and interact with you as you communicate through a live transmission. Any participant in your forum can reply anywhere in the message, edit content or add participants at any point during the process. Oh, and you can play back what everyone said.
Worried about typing and spelling in your real-time conversations? Well, Google has server-based models that provide suggestions as you type and correct spelling.
Wave brings new meaning to the social networking and social gadgets. The Google API is more for the developer. Currently, they are allowing developers to "play in their sandbox."
All this good stuff can be available now? You are right. Currently, only a selected few have passwords and access to Google Wave. The are currently doing some test marketing and beta testing to workout all the bugs before it goes open for public. If you want to be a participant you just need to send a request. Google will contact you once they have a need for someone like you in their demographic or testing area. So, make your reason a good one to be selected.
Go to for more information.
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